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26 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Culture Struggle

Parenti, Michael
The Culture Struggle
One of America's most astute and engaging political analysts, Michael Parenti shows us that culture is a changing process and the product of a dynamic interplay between a wide range of social and political interests. Drawing from cultures around the world, Parenti shows that beliefs and practices are readily subjected to political manipulation, and that many parts of culture are being commodified, separated from their group or communal origins...

CHF 21.90

Inventing Reality

Parenti, Michael
Inventing Reality
This study looks at the role of the print and electronic media in defining "respectable" political discourse in the United States. From a critical perpective, Parenti looks at the economics and politics of "presenting" the news and argues that the media systematically distort the news. This manufactured reality deprives the public of necessary information for effective participation in government. This edition has been updated throughout, and ...

CHF 33.90

Face of Imperialism

Parenti, Michael
Face of Imperialism
Redefines imperialism and connects the economic crisis in the US with its global military escapades. Unflinching expose of US imperial power today.

CHF 212.00

Hoe de rijken de wereld regeren

Parenti, Michael / Reyniers, Jan
Hoe de rijken de wereld regeren
Een klein groepje mensen, goed voor minder dan 1% van de wereldbevolking, dat ervan droomt om van de hele planeet een derdewereldgebied te maken: het had het script van de nieuwe sciencefictionfilm van George Lucas kunnen zijn maar het is helaas het vertrekpunt van het nieuwe boek van Michael Parenti. Helaas: omdat Parenti niet aan fictie doet. Waarom zou je, als de realiteit spectaculairder is? Als je effectief te maken krijgt met een elite d...

CHF 25.90

God en zijn demonen

Parenti, Michael
God en zijn demonen
Opperwezens wereldwijd hebben diepe sporen nagelaten: vooral bloedsporen en sporen van verbrande mensenbeenderen. Met God en zijn demonen schreef de Amerikaanse schrijver Parenti een vlammend J¿accuse. God, Allah, de dalai lama, Moeder Teresa en allerhande sekteleiders: ze krijgen er allemaal van langs. 'God en zijn demonen is even baanbrekend als eerder werk van de auteur over geschiedenis, media en democratie', schreef een Amerikaanse krant....

CHF 27.50

Profit Pathology and Other Indecencies

Parenti, Michael
Profit Pathology and Other Indecencies
From market crisis to market boom, from welfare to wealth care, from homelessness to helplessness, and an all-out assault on the global environment these are just some of the indecencies of contemporary economic life that "Profit Pathology "takes on. Here, Michael Parenti investigates how class power is a central force in our political life and, yet, is subjected to little critical discernment. He notes how big-moneyed interests shift the rule...

CHF 218.00

Democracy for the Few

Parenti, Michael
Democracy for the Few
DEMOCRACY FOR THE FEW is a provocative interpretation of American Government. It shows how democracy is repeatedly violated by corporate oligopolies, and how popular forces have fought back and occasionally made gains in spite of the system. By focusing on the relationship between economic power and political power, discussing actual government practices and policies, conspiracies, propaganda, fraud, secrecy and other ploys of government and p...

CHF 91.00

God and His Demons

Parenti, Michael
God and His Demons
A noted author and activist brings his critical acumen and rhetorical skills to bear in this polemic against the dark side of religion. Unlike some popular works by stridently outspoken atheists, this is not a blanket condemnation of all believers. Rather the author's focus is the heartless exploitation of faithful followers by those in power, as well as sectarian intolerance, the violence against heretics and nonbelievers, and the reactionary...

CHF 35.50

Dirty Truths

Parenti, Michael
Dirty Truths
This eye-opening and entertaining collection of essays investigates media and culture, conspiracy and state power, ideology and political consciousness. Parenti ranges over such crucial issues as free speech, the rise of neofascism, the relationship between wealth and poverty, the "terrorism" hype, the continuing mystifications about the Kennedy assassination, and the deceptions and injustices of U.S. corporate global domination.Moving from th...

CHF 37.50

Against Empire

Parenti, Michael
Against Empire
Richly informed and written in an engaging style, Against Empire exposes the ruthless agenda and hidden costs of the U.S. empire today. Documenting the pretexts and lies used to justify violent intervention and maldevelopment abroad, Parenti shows how the conversion to a global economy is a victory of finance capital over democracy.As much of the world suffers unspeakable misery and the Third-Worldization of the United States accelerates, civi...

CHF 27.90